Do you have a chair in Surrey like the one above – a common enough problem?
Or do you have chairs that are starting to wobble as the glue to the joints weakens, something that happens a lot with antique furniture.
If you do then contact us, as we undertake an endless amount of chair repair in Surrey – and we have handled just about every kind imaginable.
The trouble, of course, with chairs is that once they start to move then that movement only gets worse and can, lead to the breaking of parts of the chair itself. This can be galling and often involve skilled work to produce new turnings or legs to match any that have been broken. To match these in with the existing finish and patina of a chair can be done (a speciality of ours!) but it should not be necessary.
If you have a chair that is starting to loosen then bring it to us as soon as possible, as this can save a great deal of work. This also applies when the seat itself is starting to ‘go’. The latter may need completely replacing but sometimes they are salvageable – if caught in time.
So – save yourself time and money and bring us any chairs that need repairing and let us restore them – before they deteriorate too much!
Peter Snelling