Over the years we have undertaken a great deal of restoration of antique boxes and blanket chests in Surrey. These are often brought to us in an appalling state, with owners frequently asking whether they are worth restoring!
In fact invariably boxes and blanket chests can be really worth restoring and, once restored, can become objects of great beauty – whilst also being very useful. They make great coffee tables or side tables and, of course, retain their original purpose of storing items.
Recently a client brought in the box photographed here. It looked hideous, had been cruelly treated and was almost ready for the rubbish tip. However, you can see the difference some skilled work makes. Now it is, rightfully, a source of pride to the owner and for many years to come will grace their home as a useful and lovely object that will last for many generations to come.

Certainly as time goes by wooden boxes and blanket chests are becoming increasingly rare and yet they were often well made and very well crafted. There is a joy to old, seasoned timber that cannot be replicated by anything new. Modern boxes and chests, by comparison, lack any patina and are rarely robust enough to last for long. Solid and useful and sometimes elegant, antique boxes and blanket chests have character and were constructed to last.
Of course, many people who bring us boxes and blanket chests to restore have had these items in their family for generations. Many were used by previous members of the family who were in the military and it was in these boxes that they would have transported their goods (and arms) around the world, along with chests full of horse tack and so on. Often antique boxes and chests have military or naval insignia or even family crests. They would have been important to anyone owning one and that history is worth preserving!
So – if you are looking for restoration of antique boxes and blanket chests in Surrey contact us. We can return your cherished but battered box or chest to its past glory!
Peter Snelling