Are you looking for superb mirror frame restoration around London – a standard of restoration that will return your mirror or picture frame back to its original glory? If you are then contact us now!

At Snelling Associates, we specialise in mirror frame restoration around London. For many years now we have repaired and restored mirror and picture frames and you can see from the images here the type of finish we are able to achieve.
Often the frames that we receive are in very poor state and have badly decayed over the years or been damaged by water, fire or some form of impact. Moldings are frequently missing and distorted. Meanwhile, the original glorious colours of frames have faded or have been distressed (sometimes from being positioned for far too long over smoky fireplaces). The result are frames that lack merit and, all too often, value. This is a great shame!

At our workshop in Shere, we are able to completely fully restore mirror and picture frames. We can completely remake moldings (however intricate) and repair the frame so that it has the integrity it had when new. We can re-colour and gild and return your frame so that it looks as it would have done in years past – whilst retaining the precious historic patina of the frame.
- Cleaning
- Re-gilding
- Repair of moldings
- New moldings made
- French polishing
- All structural repairs to wood frames
Certainly retaining patina and the ‘feel’ of the frame is very important and is something about which we take great pride. Restoring picture and mirror frames is not just about doing repairs. It is about a careful restoration. This is not just about making an item more aesthetically pleasing. It is about retaining and enhancing its value, given its age and provenance.
If you are looking for truly skillful mirror frame restoration around London to restore your mirror – or picture frame – then do give us a call. You can arrange to bring your frame to us for a quote or send us detailed images and we will tell you what we can do for you – together with the cost. I think you will be impressed!
Peter Snelling