Are you looking for expert mirror and picture frame restoration around south London? If you are then come to us, Snelling Associates. We are based in the lovely village of Shere, near Dorking and we specialise in mirror and picture frame restoration.
We tackle all types of mirror and picture frames – including extremely ornate antique frames such as the one pictured here. This particular piece had been dropped and suffered huge impact damage. Indeed, I think the owners felt that the frame may have been irreparably damaged. However, as you can see, we have restored it to its previous condition, which has included re-colouring the frame so that all the repairs that we have undertaken are invisible. Not only is the mirror frame usable again, it has also retained its previous value. We have been, as always, super-careful about retaining the patina of the frame, which is vital when it comes to restoring antique items.
Over the years we have dealt with an incredible variety of frames, some of which have been huge! Other frames have been incredibly intricate and have involved very careful work that has included making turnings and finials. So far we have never turned a frame away and we have never failed to restore a frame to its previous glory.
If you need expert mirror or picture frame restoration around south London then do call us or send us details with pictures of the work you require doing. We are used to undertaking work for insurance companies and frequently deal with frames that have suffered from water, fire or impact damage.
So, if your beloved mirror or picture frame needs restoration do not despair! You would not believe the state of some of the mirror or picture frames brought to us – any more than you would believe how wonderful they look like post-restoration!
Peter Snelling