Chair repairs in the Guildford and Dorking areas

Of all the many combinations of furniture and antiques that we receive for repair and restoration at our workshops in Shere, it is chairs that are the most common. Frankly, this is not all that surprising; given the very tough, long term usage that chairs get. Equally, the construction of chairs is such that they are, in many ways, innately delicate objects. They are assembled from many different pieces, all of which are doweled or interlocking, and, if just one joint gives way or loosens, then very quickly thereafter other joints also untighten. The whole chair then becomes unstable; with every likelihood, that one piece or another will either break altogether or come away from its fixing. Obviously, the best time to bring a chair in for repair is before anything breaks or the joints throughout the entire chair start to come apart. However, normally, the joints of a chair…